Hackney court delay – better chance of a win?

The expected court case between Save London Motorcycling (SLM) and Hackney Borough Council has been pushed back.  Hackney’s proposed motorcycle parking charges were due to be challenged in court on 23rd January, but the court date has been pushed back beyond 3rd March.

Hackney Court Delay

The long-awaited legal challenge to Hackney’s motorcycle parking charges proposals was scheduled to take place on 23rd January.  The court has now postponed the hearing to a date to be agreed, but not expected to be earlier than 3rd March.

Whilst a delay to resolving this legal challenge is frustrating, a spokesperson for SLM has said that this delay was agreed by them so that additional evidence can now be considered by the court.  It was the only way to make sure the evidence could be heard, and this extra evidence may make a substantive difference to the outcome.

“With this new evidence we think the case is even stronger. It involves a case previously won by local residents against Hackney Council, so there’s case law that will work for us.  

We’re fighting this for bikers everywhere, because if we win it will have massive impacts for all bike-related policy UK wide. It should mean governments can’t just thoughtlessly apply car policy to bikes.   

Unfortunately, legal action is expensive and as a group of volunteers we can’t afford to do this alone. We’re just a small way off our crowdfunding target but with the help of all bikers we know we can raise the money needed to stand up for your rights. Please give what you can and help us stop anti-motorcycle councils everywhere.”

The Save London Motorcycling crowdfunder page can be found here: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/slmc