Leeds and Bradford MAG will fight Leeds City Council’s underhanded motorcycle parking policy changes. The Council announced plans to charge for car parking whilst neglecting to mention that plans cover motorcycles too.

Leeds and Bradford MAG (L&B MAG) is gearing up to resist a covert policy change on motorcycle parking charges by Leeds City Council. Plans announced by the City Council will introduce car parking charges at three parks in the city. Despite there being no reference to motorcycles in the consultation documentation, L&B MAG sought reassurances that motorcycles would not be affected.
In a shocking response the council said: “We can confirm that at present the proposals within the parking order do include motorcycles under the definition of a motor vehicle as being expected to pay for parking.”
Thanks to extreme diligence L&B MAG has uncovered this decision which contravenes current policy to allow motorcycles free parking throughout the city. Leeds & Bradford MAG Local Campaigns Officer, Marcus Houlden, stated:
“This is extremely disappointing. The documents in this proposal make no reference to motorcycles. They concentrate on car use. Parking for motorcycles has always been treated separately by the Highways and Transportation department. I have been assured in numerous meetings with traffic planners that motorcycle parking would remain free of charge. I do not entirely understand how the Environment, Housing and Communities department seems to have developed its own independent policy. It is not a minor subclause of a traffic regulation order. It represents a major change to Leeds motorcycle parking policy.”
The Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) consultations are open until 10th October. L&B MAG is encouraging riders to send objections to the proposal to include motorcycles in these charges via email. Objections should be sent by email to goldenacre.parking@leeds.gov.uk, middleton.parking@leeds.gov.uk and chevin.parking@leeds.gov.uk.
Whilst L&B MAG is a listed consultee for Leeds Highways TROs, the park TROs are being handled by the Environment, Housing and Communities department. These proposals almost slipped through without MAG being alerted and without consultation on a wider change to the City’s parking policies.
L&B MAG will be using every possible avenue to get this covert policy change on motorcycle parking overturned.
Notes for Editors:
The proposed parking charges were announced in July 2024: https://democracy.leeds.gov.uk/ieDecisionDetails.aspx?Id=57556
The announcement met resistance from local motorists. https://www.yorkshireeveningpost.co.uk/news/politics/anger-aired-over-parking-charge-plans-deadline-4794810 .
Comments on the Traffic regulation Orders can be sent to three separate email addresses: goldenacre.parking@leeds.gov.uk, middleton.parking@leeds.gov.uk and chevin.parking@leeds.gov.uk