Let Us In
MAG asks the Government to maximise road access for motorcycling.
Sustainable transport choice is not defined. The question ‘what is sustainable transport?’ will only elicit a list: Walking, Cycling and Public Transport.
The all-consuming clamour for policy to promote use of the prescribed list of sustainable transport modes has created a clear issue for motorcycling. Increased segregation of road space and restriction or closure of entire areas to motorised traffic has seen the motorcyclist caught in the crossfire.
Motorcycling provides a sustainable alternative to the motor car but is treated as just another motor vehicle. Motorcycles should be considered a valuable part of a sustainable transport system.
Additionally, the shortsighted policy fails to recognise the fact that motorcyclists are also vulnerable road users who, just like cyclists, could benefit from separation from larger vehicles. If the separation principle can be applied to pedal cycles, then logic would suggest the same policy be applied to motorcycles.

Motorcycle access in bus lanes, despite being proven to be perfectly safe in trial after trial and already implemented in over 48% of all bus lanes in the UK, remains a policy that is not universally adopted. After decades of campaigning a consultation on default access was launched under the old Government.
(The consultation outcome was published on Thursday 21st of November. Full DfT outcome report: https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/motorcycles-in-bus-lanes/outcome/motorcycles-in-bus-lanes-consultation-outcome)
The Labour Government has now removed any pretence that may have existed about their policy position on motorcycling. In the response to the motorcycles in bus lanes consultation they have openly stated that they have no policy to encourage greater use of motorcycles. The future for motorcycle related policy over the next few years is looking bleak. If there was ever a time for riders to stand shoulder to shoulder and make their voices heard, that time is now.
Government must recognise that policies developed for cars are not necessarily suitable for application to motorcycles. Bus lanes, bus gates and traffic filters, low traffic neighbourhoods and advanced stop lines are all areas where the Government needs to Move on Motorcycling.
Let Us In- Campaign Progress
The Motorcycles in Bus Lanes consultation outcome was published on Thursday 21st November. The outcome was a flat rejection with a series of straw man arguments to justify the decision. View the YouTube video here.
The Motorcycles in Bus Lanes consultation outcome was published on Thursday 21st November. The outcome was a flat rejection with a series of straw man arguments to justify the decision. View the YouTube video here:
We cannot accept this illogical anti-motorcycle decision. Freedom of Information requests have gone in to the DfT and a formal challenge to the outcome will be formulated over the coming weeks. We will not rush into this response without careful planning, but there is certainly no harm in letting your local MP know your feelings. The Labour Government has generated a whirlwind of anger on a range of policy areas. We need to take care that if our specific grievances are added to this we are not dismissed as playing partisan political games or worse still overlooked as a minor footnote to the general unrest.
Conservative MPs stood on a manifesto that included a promise to deliver default access in bus lanes they need to be reminded of this fact. This explicit promise appeared on page 57 of their manifesto (https://public.conservatives.com/publicweb/GE2024/Accessible-Manifesto/Accessible-PDF-Conservative-Manifesto-2024.pdf ). Labour MPs should be concerned that their leadership is happy to reject a policy supported by 97% of respondents and that will have no measurable impact on anyone other than motorcyclists.
Other opposition parties are likely to view this purely on a partisan level of point scoring, so they need to understand that our position is based on logic and evidence. This needs to underpin all communications with MPs
MAG continues to get motorcycling issues on the political agenda. All riders can get involved in helping to make that happen. Visit the ACT NOW page to see what you can do today to help us make the future of motorcycling better.
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