Democracy in the Motorcycle Action Group
The Motorcycle Action Group democracy is at the core of what we are. We are a truly democratic organisation with a well-established constitution which enshrines the rights and responsibilities of the individual. The constitution provides the means and guidance by which every individual member can influence policy and direction.
The Motorcycle Action Group democracy is representational and works through the network of local MAG groups. The local groups are arranged into regions and each region has its own Regional Representative.
The Motorcycle Action Group Structure
Within each region there can be any number of local groups from one or two up to a dozen or more depending on the density and distribution of population in the region. The members of each local group elect their own Local Representative (‘Local Rep’). All members in each region are likewise entitled to elect their ‘Regional Rep’.
These Regional Reps comprise the voting members of MAG’s National Committee (NC).
This structure is an important safeguard. The Regional Reps are the only NC members to have votes on the committee. Having separate regions of members each electing their own Regional Reps provides MAG with stability. In MAG only the members appoint the decision-makers.
Running parallel with the representational structure, MAG’s ‘direct democracy’ mechanism enables every member to have an equal say in the election of national officers (such as National Chairman).
All individual members are entitled to attend the Annual Group Conference (AGC), to put themselves forward for elected positions and to vote in elections and policy debates. Not all MAG members choose to be active in local groups but that is no bar to them participating at a national level at the AGC.
MAG’s national officers are all very accessible. Members are encouraged to communicate via their local or regional reps to spread the workload, but there is no bar on any member directly contacting the National Chairman or other officers on matters of importance.