Resurface Our Roads
MAG asks the Government to provide a road network fit for motorcyclists.
The road network is the biggest physical asset the public sector owns. The English local network alone is valued at almost half a trillion pounds. Maintaining this national asset should be a clear priority for any Government yet consistent under-funding has left an enormous backlog of repairs. The Asphalt Industry Alliance in its 2024 ALARM report says the cost of tackling the backlog of carriageway repairs has increased to a new record high of £16.3 billion. https://www.asphaltuk.org/wp-content/uploads/ALARM-survey-report-2024-FINAL.pdf

For motorcyclists the poor state of the road network is more than an inconvenience, it is a risk to life and limb. Research carried out by MAG has shown that, on average, four motorcyclists die every year because of poor road maintenance and a further 70 per year suffer serious injuries. The research shows that despite representing less than 1% of all road traffic, motorcycles feature in 27.5% of all collision reports where road surface defects are listed as a contributory factor. Pedal cyclists are also over-represented, being involved in 14.7% of these RTCs.
The political and public debate is focused on filling potholes, but MAG asks the new Government to look beyond the symptom and focus on the cure: adequately funded and managed road maintenance.
Complaints are made about potholes and with limited funds local authorities increasingly look to claim success from measurement of how many potholes they repair. Government needs to show leadership by breaking the spiral into mismanagement of funding. Whilst £500 million of extra funding has been announced in the October budget, this is insufficient to bring the network back to an acceptable level and risks being thrown into temporary repairs in the absence of a clear strategy to return to a sustainable position.
The Government must demonstrate leadership and sufficient financial input to repairing the crumbling UK road network, and then maintaining it at an acceptable standard. Providing a road network that is fit for motorcycling would be a key Move on Motorcycling.
MAG is asking riders in the UK to get creative in their approach to placing motorcycling in the general election discourse. The ‘Act Now’ page recently added to the MAG website offers a template letter for riders to use when asking candidates for their views on motorcycling issues. Please visit the ACT NOW page now to see how you can get involved.
Current Action
Reporting potholes
How can you, as an individual, help keep motorcyclists safe from potholes?
Quite simply, if you see a pothole that you consider to be dangerous, then report it. To do this:
- If it is on a motorway or major A Road then in:
- England report it to ‘National Highways’ on 0300 123 5000 or via website,
- Scotland report it to ‘Traffic Scotland’ on 0800 028 1414 or via website,
- Wales report it to ‘Traffic Wales’ on 0300 123 1213 or via website,
- Northern Ireland report it to ‘nidirect’ via website.
- If it is on a local road then these are maintained by the individual Local Authorities:
- Search for the relevant Local Authority website and you will be able to find a pothole or road defect reporting phone number or on-line form,
- Report via https://www.fixmystreet.com/ which removes the need to know which Local Authority is responsible.
- Don’t worry if you are not sure which organisation is responsible, just report to who you think it is – they will soon come back with the correct organisation if it is not them!
Watch the campaign video
Watch the video, like and share it with your friends and contacts.
(The petition is now closed, but the campaign is continuing)
Watch the campaign update video
Write to your MP
Write to your MP with the following points:
- Describe the state of your local roads with specific examples where possible and your concern as a motorcyclist. The main point to talk to your MP about is reduced in Government funding is the cause of the increase in potholes, as that is an issue that your MP is best placed to address.
- Ask your MP to watch the campaign video at https://youtu.be/e01EAS0GUa0
- Ask your MP to review the APPG for Better Roads report at https://www.appg-betterroads.org/?page_id=348
- Ask your MP to support the report’s proposals
- Ask your MP to join the APPG for Better Roads
- Ask your MP to contact MAG at central-office@mag-uk.org to offer support to get the issue raised with the Treasury.
Not sure who your MP is or their email address?
Head over to WriteToThem.com enter your postcode and follow the instructions to find your MP and send the message direct from that website.
Write to your local Highways Authority councillor
Write to your councillor with the following points:
- Describe the state of your local roads with specific examples where possible and your concern as a motorcyclist.
- Ask your Councillor to watch the campaign video at https://youtu.be/e01EAS0GUa0
- Ask your Councillor if they have invested in a Pothole Pro machine
- Ask your Councillor what training the local risk assessors have that enable them to identify pothole risks to motorcyclists
- Ask your Councillor to contact MAG at central-office@mag-uk.org to discuss best practice.
Not sure who your Councillor is or their email address?
Head over to WriteToThem.com enter your postcode and follow the instructions to find your Councillor and send the message direct from that website.
Let us know that you have done it
Send an email to central-office@mag-uk.org with the subject title ‘ROR’ saying which MP and which Local Highway Authority you have written to.
Don’t put it off, do it now it will take a matter of a few minutes, but will greatly help us to push hard for an end to the curse of potholes!
If you have never been a MAG member, have let your membership lapse, or are thinking you need to save some money by not renewing this year, we would love you to join, re-join or stay with us. If, like us, you are passionate about motorcycling, want to see motorcycling continue in the future, and want to preserve all that you love about it, we hope it will be an easy choice to make. MAG’s strength is in numbers. The riding community can demonstrate strength when it unites. If you want to say you played your part to defend motorcycling, please… join MAG today