Road Safety

Wire Rope Barriers pose a hazard to motorcyclists
The Motorcycle Action Group (MAG) discusses wire rope barriers with Northern Ireland’s Minister for Infrastructure. The Department for Infrastructure (DfI) is reviewing wire rope style barriers. MAGā€™s Northern Ireland Rep, Martyn Boyd, and Director, Ian Churchlow, met Minister for Infrastructure, Nichola Mallon, on 14 December 2020 to explain MAGā€™s concerns […]

MAG discusses wire rope barriers with Minister for Infrastructure.

The Motorcycle Action Group (MAG) welcomes any efforts to make the roads safer for all road users.  However, MAG raises concerns that the the Highway Code review proposals and introduction of the hierarchy concept will result in the opposite effect. MAG has challenged the decision to limit the scope of […]

Views on the Highway Code Review.

Wire Rope Barriers pose a hazard to motorcyclists
During a meeting with MAG Northern Ireland on 2nd July 2020, the Northern Ireland Department for Infrastructure accepted that wire rope crash barriers, whilst effective for larger vehicles, pose a hazard to motorcyclists’ safety. This is welcomed by the Motorcycle Action Group.   Motorcycle Action Group UKā€™s Northern Ireland Representative, […]

Northern Irelandā€™s Department for Infrastructure accepts wire rope barriers ...

Filter Friendly is a MAG road safety campaign. Filtering brings benefits – not just to riders, but all road users.  We explain those advantages in order to encourage drivers to look out for motorcyclists filtering through traffic.   Many drivers who do not ride motorcycles will be unfamiliar with the […]

Filter Friendly