A public meeting to address the current motorcycle theft crimewave in Medway.
All bikers are welcome. The meeting will have speakers from Kent Police, Medway
Council, ‘Biker Biker’ and MAG. + others TBC
After the introductory speeches questions will be taken from the floor.
It will be followed by a motorcycle lock give away of 25 x Oxford LK 145 HD ‘ Orange’ locks with 1.5 metre chains, with preference going to young and learner riders.
Confirmed speakers are :
Matthew Scott- kent PCC, Ch Insp Trevor Jenner- Medway police, Steve Jolpin – Medway Community Support Unit, Shane – National Head of ‘Biker Biker’, Colin Brown – MAG and John Millbank – Bennett’s mc insurance
Bike parking on site.
Bar + tea, coffee.
All enquiries to Steve Mallett at smallett@mag-uk.org