Squires Cafe, Newthorpe, Lane, Newthorpe, Leeds, LS25 5LX
All Yorkshire MAG members are invited to attend. Please remember to bring your current MAG membership card to get a voting slip. AGENDA 1) Welcome 2) Apologies 3) Appointment of chair and minute taker 4) Regional officers annual reports a) Regional Rep – (Steve Travis) b) Vice Regional Rep – (Martin Burgess) c) Political Officer – (Tom Lonsdale) d) Secretary/Web/Social media officer – (Marcus Houlden) e) Treasurer - (Gary Timms) f) Press and Media - (John Nettleship) 5) Branch officers annual reports a) East Yorkshire - (Garry Williams) b) Huddersfield – (SallyAnne Slater) c) Leeds & Bradford – (Keith Maven) d) South Yorkshire - (Stuart Hatfield) e) Wakefield - (Steve Travis) f) York - (Richard Suddaby) 6) Nominations and election of Regional Officers a) Yorkshire Regional Rep b) Yorkshire Vice Rep c) Yorkshire Political Rep(s) d) Yorkshire Secretary e) Web/Social media officer f) Treasurer g) Press and Media Officer 7) Tony Berry Memorial Award 8) Any Other Business