Writing to Grant Shapps, The Motorcycle Action Group (MAG) has clarified a need to speak directly to Ministers. Selina Lavender, MAG Chair, wrote to the Secretary of State again on Monday this week.

Selina welcomes the Department for Transport’s (DfT) increased engagement. However, she believes there is still a pressing need for a meeting with the Minister.
MAG has explained to the DfT that motorcycles offer ways to solve transport challenges. More people choosing two wheels will reduce congestion, improve air quality, and reduce CO2 emissions. Motorcycles can help deliver a Covid-safe transport recovery.
The letter accepts policy makers’ concerns over safety, but notes delays in bringing forward legislation to allow changes to motorcycle training. Selina says these delays look bad when compared with time made to bring forward e-scooter trials.
Commenting on the decision to contact the Secretary of State again, Selina said:
“I know the Government faces extreme pressure. They are dealing with Covid and Brexit. On the other hand, our members still feel a degree of bias against riders. Government continues to dodge opportunities to embrace motorcycling. I am certainly pleased with the progress MAG has made this year, but our advances are limited to engagement on road safety issues. In September, the DfT invited us to join the Road Safety Delivery Group. We told officials that safety is just one area where change is needed. In short, our members now want Government to address their other concerns.
I don’t believe that prejudice is the Government’s intent. So I have asked the Secretary of State to make time to meet representatives of MAG to listen to our views.”
The letter to Grant Shapps can be found here