The DSA issued a press release today asking for help finding new motorcycle test sites after years saying there was no need for extra sites and turning down every possible location that was presented to them.
Mid and West Wales is perhaps the area where most work has been done on this, including a presentation directly to the Minister Mike Penning, by MAG members Ken Huntly and Roy Osmond and their MP. Even though one particular venue met all criteria it was later flatly refused by the DSA. Anyway, the press release reads as follows:
“To improve access for those candidates who have to travel long distances to take the module one test, DSA is looking for additional casual hire sites in the following areas:
Mid Wales
East and West Yorkshire
DSA may also consider other areas for casual hire sites, but this will depend on location and demand. If you’re a driver or rider trainer who knows of any suitable sites ready to use, then DSA would like to hear from you.
Any sites you suggest must:
have suitable examiner accommodation, so will require office space and toilets as a minimum be available for weekday or weekend use
have a surface with little or no work needed to bring up to a suitable standard, so it must:
be relatively flat
have a good quality tarmac surface with no significant hazards near the riding line such as drains, kerbs, posts, potholes or other damage
DSA won’t consider any sites where the surface isn’t suitable; for example, if it’s made up of concrete, gravel, or compressed hardcore.
On road access for module two isn’t necessary. You could also consider areas where road markings or paint need to be removed.
Motorcycle test module one site size options
A standard area:
an area of 125 metres long and 40 metres wide
A hockey stick shaped layout:
This may become an option. DSA uses these at VOSA sites:
the short end of the hockey stick needs to be around 40 metres long by at least five metres wide
the straight should lead in to a 20 to 30 metre radius bend, travelling through at least 90 degrees
after the bend a straight section of approximately 100 metres long by at least 12 metres wide is required, there should be 35 metres (plus or minus four metres) from the exit of the bend to the two red cones at the start of the speed measuring channel
an area of about 40 by 20 metres should be available for the slower speed exercises
There’s some flexibility in the above dimensions as they may have to be varied to suit the local area. Please bear these options in mind when considering potential sites.”
MAG is always willing to work with the DSA, so if you have any ideas, please forward them to and we’ll be glad to present them.