MAG National Police Force Bike Theft Rankings

National Police Force Bike Theft Rankings

MAG release an annual Police Force Bike Theft Rankings report.  Part of our active response to motorcycle crime, the rankings are not designed to criticise individual forces.  They ensure that motorcycle theft is viewed as a priority. 

Motorcyclists can easily gain a clear understanding of where bike theft is most prevalent.  As owners it is vital to be aware of the risks of motorcycle theft.  We provide riders with a much needed snapshot of the issue.  The report reminds riders of the need to use as many security measures as possible.

Most importantly, MAG use the Police Bike Theft Rankings to lobby Police and Crime Commissioners.  Sharing the report we aim to ensure that positive on-going action is taken.  We target areas where there is evidence of a rise in thefts.  Supplying the facts that cannot be disputed, we call for local focus to tackle the issue.

To establish the rankings, we use FOI data on reported thefts and DfT data for numbers of registered motorcycles.  Firstly we calculate the number of motorcycles stolen per thousand registered bikes in each force area.  Secondly, we determine if there is an increase or decline in each force area.

We recognise that solutions cannot rely simply on police enforcement.  Therefore, we advocate a coordinated partnership approach.  We build partnerships with the police, local authorities and others.  

Read the most recent National Police Force Bike Theft Rankings report here.